History of the Organization

A statement about the history of AARG is currently being written. If you would like to contribute your ideas for this important undertaking please contact Susan Pietrzyk at spietrz1@binghamton.edu.

In the meantime, AARG has been mentioned in various publications by members and beyond. Below is a list of references that discuss the founding of AARG and its important contributions. In most cases, the reference to AARG falls within a paragraph or two. The references are positive and their briefness is reasoned given the broader intent of the publication. Yet, the briefness also makes apparent the need to put in writing a richer discussion of AARG’s history.

Baer, Hans A., Merrill Singer, and Ida Susser (2003) AIDS: A Disease of the Global System. In Medical Anthropology and the World System: A Critical Perspective. Second Edition. By Hans A. Baer, Merrill Singer, and Ida Susser. Pp. 227-281 (Chapter 8). Westport, CT: Bergin and Harvey Publishing Group.

Bolton, Ralph (1989) Introduction: The AIDS Pandemic, a Global Emergency. Medical Anthropology 10(2/3): 93-104.

Bolton, Ralph, Michelle Lewis, and Gail Orozco (1991) AIDS Literature for Anthropologists: A Working Bibliography. Journal of Sex Research 28(2): 307-346.

Singer, Merrill (2009) Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration in Responding to HIV and AIDS in Africa: Anthropological Perspectives. Introduction to the Special Issue. African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR) 8(4): 1-9.

Whelehan, Patricia (2009) The Anthropology of AIDS: A Global Perspective. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press.

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